Invite Fausto as speaker

Invite Fausto as speaker

Confirmed in the ministry of an Evangelist and Pastor, he combines preaching, teaching, evangelism and leadership training along with his current position of technical director.

In 2018, Fausto answered the calling God had given him to establish the Impact Nations For Christ Foundation. From the Foundation, the work of the Kingdom of God would be supported as much and as broadly as possible.

Fausto believes and carries the message of mercy and infinite love of God for the humanity and His plan of recovery and healing for this world. 

​Revival, healing, complete restoration and a Jesus Christ centered life are the main characteristics of Fausto's ministry. Fausto believes that God’s Word must be confirmed by the manifestation of the Holy Spirit by Signs and Wonders as we can learn from Jesus teachings.

Do you have some questions or do you like to invite Fausto? Let's come in contact together!